Philomena and her four older siblings have lived with their grandmother since they lost their mum through a tragic road accident. They all depend on their grandmother's little income from casual jobs around the village. However, this work is not a reliable source of income which means at times the family go to sleep hungry and the children often go to school without breakfast.
If we can find a sponsor for Philomena’s education it would alleviate pressure on her grandmother and enable her to concentrate on providing food and basic needs.
By sponsoring Philomena’s education for £35 per month, you will be giving her the chance to attend and complete primary, secondary and tertiary education. 100% of your support will go towards her public-school fees, uniform, shoes, books, school meals, stationery and female menstrual care products when required.
You will receive an end of year school performance and general update along with a photo from us. Depending on time of year and location, you may also get the chance to meet her should you come on one of our Kenya Adventure (next one 2025) or House Building (next one 2026) trips to Kenya.