Volunteer in Kenya

Adventure trip 2019 review

Our 2019 group collectively raised an amazing £5,890 which enabled us to support two very special projects.  By volunteering in Kenya, they witnessed how their donations helped.

  1. We built a new house for a family of 9 who previously lived in very poor conditions. They had no beds or toilet (they used a nearby bush) and when it rained the roof leaked water onto them.
  2. We helped a single father of 6 children, Daniel, start his own business selling groceries from a converted room in his home.   Following the death of Daniel's wife during child birth, Daniel also broke both his arms in an accident, only being able to afford to have one operated on.  Thanks to the Kenya Adventure volunteers, Daniel now has his own business and looks forward to a brighter future through our Two Feet Initiative.  Our supporters also paid for the second broken arm operation.

Volunteering in Kenya

"A trip to Kenya with GEF is a humbling, inspiring, challenging and fascinating experience.


HUMBLING because you meet many people who are living in hardship often from very difficult backgrounds which makes you reflect on your own life.


INSPIRING because you meet local Kenyans who with direct support and encouragement from GEF regain hope and go onto change their lives for the better.


CHALLENGING because it takes you out of your own comfort zone because of what you experience.


FASCINATING because you get a real feel for life in Kenya; whether it is school life, small businesses, meeting athletes, children from broken families, as well as being in interesting parts of the country.  It can be exhausting and emotional but it is a unique experience which you can use to give others a chance – Win! Win!" 🧡

We would like to thank Scottish marketing company, Doqaru who generously sponsored the volunteer t-shirts for the 2-week trip.



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