12 Days 12 Futures

108 children previously faced challenges such as being out of school, struggling for food and living in extremely impoverished conditions. Between 2015 and 2023, the 12 Days 12 Futures campaign changed that.

Thanks to the support of 108 sponsors, each of the children have been given the chance of a brighter future through receiving full education scholarships.

Over the course of 12 days in November 2024, we will share the stories and powerful words of 12 children across our social media channels.  Sharing, liking and commenting on the posts will help them reach a wider audience to hopefully find a sponsor for each of them to be able attend school without the fear of being sent home due to a lack of fees or uniform.

To find out more about sponsoring a child please click here.

Sponsor a child today.

The children of the 2023 campaign

The children of the 2022 campaign

The children of the 2021 campaign

The children of the 2020 campaign

Sponsor a child today.