Our work in north-east Scotland

In north-east Scotland, we offer grant funding for specialist equipment and services, to families who have a child with a disability or life limiting condition.

We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, and our grants are designed to address individual needs that can make a meaningful difference in their development and happiness. Formerly the Neil Jaffrey Initiative, our goal is to directly enhance the quality of life for these children, under our three pillars of education, shelter and wellbeing.


We fund specific items such as iPads for learning and communication, which can support a child’s special educational needs and enhance their development, as well as equipment and mobility aids that can make getting to school a bit easier.

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The percentage of pupil's in Scotland with additional support needs increased by over a quarter in recent years.

These children can face challenges attending school and accessing school due to physical barriers and inadequate support for additional learning needs.

We can contribute to the cost of home adaptions to create adapted bathrooms and provide hoists, allowing the disabled child to be comfortable and safe, and access all areas of their home.

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Modifying a home to meet accesibility needs can be costly and often exceeds the financial capacity of many households, particularly as families with disabled children are more likely to experience poverty.

We can support garden adaptions and provide funding for ramp installation ensuring a child can enjoy the benefits of their outdoor space. We can fund household items such as washing machines and tumble driers to help with just some of the additional daily workload of a carer.

These adaptions also support’s the family to care for the child with a little more ease.



We can help disabled children overcome social isolation by helping them access the environment around them and take part in activities like other children their age.


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Purchasing lightweight specialist wheelchairs for outdoor adventures gives children and families a chance to do fun things together, enhancing their wellbeing.

Funding specilaist therapies such as private physiotherapy can motivate a child and foster their independence, giving them a sense of joy.

How you can help

Support a child in Scotland

Improve the lives of disabled children and their families in north-east Scotland by providing specialist equipment, access to therapies, signposting to relevant services, and improving accessibility at home and in the community.


We have a variety of events in Aberdeen each year. From our Safari Series runs to getting together with friends, family or colleagues for a quiz or fundraising lunch or dinner, we have something for everyone.



Why not register now to run, jog, walk or cycle in an event to support the Gathimba Edwards Foundation? Throughout the year we are involved in a number of local runs and can offer charity spots.


There are numerous ways your company or employer can help disadvantaged children and their families in Kenya and north-east Scotland, from attending our events to sending your staff to build houses.


GEF holds multiple events in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire throughout the year. We couldn't do this without our wonderful volunteers who give up their time to support these fundraising events. Get in touch to see how you can help.


GEF shows what can be achieved when you work together and dream big. We welcome the opportunity to visit your organisation, school, group or club to share the inspiring stories of families we support and how the lessons they have learned from their respective experiences can be applied to life or work.

Donation impact examples

Please note that the cost of the impact examples listed below varies based on the individual needs of each disabled child.

Specialist equipment to enhance accessibility and ease the journey to school.

Specialist communication devices to support learning and enhance access to school materials.

Specialist play equipment and toys.

Specialist home adaptations, such as ramps and hoists, to improve accessibility.

Garden equipment that enables all individuals to enjoy and play in the garden.

Home modifications, such as installing safe flooring or a washing machine, to increase comfort and accessibility for children and to ease the caregiver's burden.

Funding specialist therapies to support complex needs and ease symptoms.

Specialist equipment, such as wheelchairs and bikes, that enables children and their families to explore the environment and enjoy outdoor adventures together.

Supporting each family’s unique needs and signposting to other relevant services.

Meet some of the children we have supported

Apply for support

Families in need of support are either introduced to us through schools, support workers or other charities or they get in touch themselves through our application process. If you know of a child who would benefit from support please send a request via the form below and a member of the team will get back to you to discuss the request in more detail.

    A key decision in supporting charity is how the funds will be used. Larger charities have large overheads and often a donation is a drop in the ocean. What we love about GEF is the ability to know almost exactly what a donation is being used for – individual families and children with needs that stretch far beyond the norm.


    Raising a family is difficult – even with favourable conditions. I cannot imagine what life is like when the needs are so acute, and all extra resource and attention from the parents are already fully used, but the state just isn’t there to plug the gap. I’m so glad we have abundance to share to make other lives better in our local community!

    John and Frankie Willis

    The support from GEF has been amazing and really made life easier for the whole family. The specialist buggy's have given us our life back and given my other daughter the life she deserves. I will be forever grateful.


    Elsa and Ella’s Mum