James Gathekia (Operations Manager, Karatina)

We welcomed James into our team in October 2017 following some strong recommendations from other volunteers and also seeing his incredible voluntary efforts – most notably in sleeping on site for 2 weeks to make sure that all materials were safe and secure during our volunteer house building trip in Kabaru.  He also played an instrumental role in the successful volunteer house building project in Ruiru in July 2017.

Meet the team - James - Kenya

James was born into a family of 8 children and has been a scout for most of his life, achieving the highest badge known as the ‘wood badge’ for his big efforts in changing the lives of others.  Through scouting James has worked on numerous projects with former GEF employee Peter Githingi and this is how we first met James, when he was a guide for our guests climbing Mount Kenya in April 2017.

James’ hobbies are scouting, football, hiking and swimming.  His role involves paying school fees, purchasing school uniform and equipment, assisting the children in letter writing to their sponsors and school children in the UK, organisation of seminars, trip logistics and house building projects.  It is a huge pleasure to have someone of James’ work ethic, character, passion and skill set on board our team and we look forward to many successful years working together.

There is a saying that goes ‘a hand that giveth its the hand that receiveth’.  It’s my great pleasure and I give thanks to all who are supporting GEF and also to Myles and Gideon for giving me the opportunity to work for this great foundation.  I am determined to work so hard to make sure that the goals and vision of GEF are achieved through my input.



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